It’s a Monday: We Can Doodle a Bit

Ah, yes, Mondays. There’s a fascinating thing about Mondays that people often forget. Known to be the most dreaded day of the week, Mondays are also days of beginnings. Time to get back to work! We set our minds to projects within our constructed time frames starting, often, on a Monday. I suppose all of “time” is man’s construct, but you know what I mean. That, micro-level, “I’m gonna get this done by Friday”-type deal. So we plan, and if we don’t finish in time? Well, there’s always next Monday to set our minds to it again.

Today’s a Monday and I worked and then volunteered to feed the hungry and help kids in need do homework. After this pleasant day of volunteering–which I regret isn’t part of my regular schedule–I thought to do something different for meditating today. I’ve done breathing exercises and could definitely use more practice with them, but I wanted to continue sharing with the reader’s of this blog (gosh I hope there are readers of this blog…) something new to work with.

So… I doodled.
It’s a Monday! I felt good about volunteering my time and thought I can treat myself to a simple meditation today. 

I actually need to volunteer more often and recognize that volunteering doesn’t mean I can treat myself. I just need to volunteer and let the warm-fuzzies be my reward…nonetheless, that’s a topic for another day.

Once I arrived at home, I went to my altar and lit a blue candle and short stick of incense. Then, I put my headphones on and listened to “Across the Universe“, by Terry Oldfield while cutting out knot doodle images from a doodle book I own. I simply colored in one of the images. Simple as that! Adult Coloring Books are huge right now and you can find them in any bookstore or online. They are said to help with calming and unwinding so I thought it would be an appropriate, simple form of meditation. I’ve honestly never been able to finish an entire page of an adult coloring book because they are extremely detailed and I run out of colors before I run out of drawing space. Cutting out small images helped minimize the amount of detail I needed to focus on and, alternatively, became simple and manageable.

I encourage you to go online and print  a few mandalas or Celtic Knot designs to color because they are soothing to work through. All you have to worry about is coloring inside the lines. If you screw up…then it’s just a coloring exercise and nothing is going to be harmed by this little project of yours.

There ya go! Easy Monday meditations to start off your week 🙂

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